Saturday, May 27, 2017

It's Time To Say...Farewell

This blog update is a culmination of the last few weeks here in China.  Currently we have moved from our apartment, sent a lot of boxes to customs in Shanghai to be shipped to the USA, and are living in the same hotel we started in.  We have 4 more nights in Changzhou, then one night in Shanghai before we fly home on June 1.  I am having bittersweet feelings, we always knew we would return home so I am fine with that, but leaving everything we have built here in our community and friendships in China is difficult.  I have made friends here like I never had before, what a unique experience and opportunity we had here.  As I reflect back I look at the struggles we had here and all the people that helped when we reached those struggles, all the people we reached out and helped and the friends that became family.  There is so much less going on here, less drama, less hectic schedules in our lives it has been a completely different change of pace.  While I look forward to getting home to see our friends and family, and our new home, find a new job and get settled, no time in our lives will ever again be like it was here in China.

Some of the photos below are the goodbye lunch that some of the ladies put together for me.  Most of us don't work here in China and had the opportunity to spend a lot of time together, and really get to know one another.  As I looked around the table, I had a very different story with each one of them, but yet all our lives were intertwined. We took a photo with Dan, or Mr. Dong, our driver for the past 3 years, I think the kids are a little worried that Brian and I will be driving and Dan isn't coming with us, they aren't sure of our qualifications to drive :)  He was someone I saw every day, he helped me get the kids and groceries in and out of the car, he put up with listening to "Let It Go" on repeat for months and he was kind.  We also said goodbye to some friends from the company and some of Grace's little friends this week.

A fun last weekend with friends....some time at the park!

Back to my weird photos of China.....A screwdriver with light up ice cubes!  The fish that still had his teeth when it was served to us, but oddly they took the brains and such out which is supposed to be the best part!  The menu that read "drunk up" instead of "sold out" some funny signs around Changzhou and the terrible watermelon Fanta I tried.

We had a fun get together to learn some recipes!  From Mexico to Chile it was a latin dinner and Oh so GOOD!  I learned how to make Tres Leches (Quatro Leches to be exact) cake and Cochinitas (delicious pork) so I can bring the recipes home and continue to remember my friends in these countries!  Thank you friends for sharing with me in the kitchen!

These are the last few photos of the apartment, building 1 #2703, we had some fun times there, we brought our friends together there, we brought Grace home for the first time to this house, and we celebrated in this house.  We packed up 105 boxes total and the movers took everything away.  The last night we finished off the beers and ciders with our Favorite Ticos!

A few outings and get togethers with friends, from the local zoo with crazy monkeys flying at the window, to the bowling alley with friends, golf outing for Brian and some dinner all week long!

Dragon Boat festival is this coming week, which is why we had to move from our apartment "early" in order to get the boxes processed through customs and have our passport returned before everything closed for the holiday, but we are still here as Brian's contract ends June 1.  So in the store there are many packages of rice dumplings and steamed eggs.  I found it interesting that there was  Disney and Star Wars packaging this year, I am assuming a nod to the Shanghai Disneyland now being a part of Chinese life.

I did have a wonderful Mother's Day just to throw that in here as well!  The kids made me a perfect card, bought some flowers and Brian took us all out to a nice dinner!  It was a wonderful family day, even if both kids woke up early!

As we are heading out of China, our favorite Ticos and I went to Brian's company for a tour!  I have been to the company many times, usually with the kids or Brian is super busy and haven't had time to actually see the foundry.  While I have seen the one in Tempe, AZ and know what he produces, it was nice to see the China facility and have him explain the process to us.  So here are a few photos of our tour! 

And finally, this was the hosue as of today....we have a ROOF!  We have been waiting for the tiles to be places and now they are.  There are still a few more checks on the list before we get to take ownership but it is just around the corner!  We can't wait to get into the house, especially after one month of hotel living prior to when we will get the keys!!!

So as our time here is wrapping up so will the blog posts, we still have some goodbyes, and many trips to plan now that we have family to visit all over the world!

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